Creation, review and negotiation of contracts

Effective negotiation and precise drafting of contracts are the foundation of secure business relationships, especially in an international context. GSW offers comprehensive legal support in negotiating and reviewing contracts for corporations and businesses with Polish and foreign capital, ensuring that our clients’ interests are fully safeguarded in global markets.

Our services include:

  • Drafting and reviewing commercial contracts that comply with international standards;
  • Advising on protective clauses and contractual provisions, taking into account the laws of various jurisdictions;
  • Safeguarding clients’ interests through detailed analysis of legal and tax risks in domestic and international markets;
  • Conducting commercial and business negotiations with cross-border aspects;
  • Representation in case of disputes between contractual parties, both in the domestic and international markets.

Why use the services of GSW?

Professional negotiations and properly structured contracts minimize legal and financial risks, safeguarding the interests of both parties to the transaction. The experience of GSW’s lawyers gained in Polish and cross-border projects allows us to provide effective support at every stage of negotiations and in reviewing key contracts, taking into account the specifics of different markets and legal systems.

W jakich obszarach pomagamy?

Opis do ustalenia, pkt1

Dla kogo jest ta usługa?

Opis do ustalenia, pkt2

Jak wygląda współpraca z GSW?

Opis do ustalenia, pkt3