Personal Data Protection

GSW’s team of lawyers provides practical guidance on both EU and global standards for processing personal data, supporting companies in maintaining compliance in various markets.

Our services include:

  • Data protection compliance audits and assessments in various jurisdictions;
  • Developing privacy policies and regulations that comply with international standards;
  • Data protection training for employees, tailored to the requirements of different countries;
  • Support in responding to data breach incidents, including at the international level;
  • Consulting on the implementation of new technologies, taking into account the principles of data protection in different legal systems.

Why use our services?

Understanding data protection regulations and implementing appropriate procedures is key to protecting your company’s reputation and avoiding potential financial penalties. GSW’s team has experience in ensuring regulatory compliance in domestic and international markets, allowing clients to focus on growing their global business.

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Opis do ustalenia, pkt1

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Opis do ustalenia, pkt2

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Opis do ustalenia, pkt3