Ukrainian Desk

At GSW’s Ukrainian Desk, we provide comprehensive legal support for businesses operating in the Ukrainian market, as well as for Ukrainian companies planning expansion into Poland and other European countries. With a team of experienced lawyers specializing in Ukrainian, international, and EU law, we ensure full legal assistance at every stage of business operations.

Support for Polish and European Companies

Our Polish-Ukrainian team of legal experts facilitates a secure and legally compliant entry into the Ukrainian market. We offer guidance on:

  • Establishing and running a business in Ukraine
  • Tax regulations and commercial law
  • Real estate, investments, and international trade
  • Intellectual property protection and industry-specific regulations

Support for Ukrainian Entrepreneurs

We assist Ukrainian businesses in expanding into Poland and other EU countries by providing support in:

  • Business registration in Poland and across the European Union
  • Tax structuring and legal advisory on EU regulations
  • Securing investments and protecting business interests in the European market
  • Obtaining permits and administrative decisions

With in-depth knowledge of the legal frameworks governing both markets, the Ukrainian Desk team is the ideal partner for companies planning international growth.

W jakich obszarach pomagamy?

Opis do ustalenia, pkt1

Dla kogo jest ta usługa?

Opis do ustalenia, pkt2

Jak wygląda współpraca z GSW?

Opis do ustalenia, pkt3